Monday 6 May 2013

Evaluation: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Film trailer

Audience feedback is a very important tool to have as it is very often that the audience will notice any smaller problems in detail if we have missed anything. The audience can either mention an idea to improve our products or noticed a problem then we can go and change them.  Feedback from an audience is also important as we can see if our products work.  To gain audience feedback we did a focus group which will be attached.

In our focus group we used questionnaires to gain feedback.   The first question which was asked was which gender do you think the trailer predominantly targeted, seven out of the eight people asked said that they thought it was both targeted at both male and female.  This shows to us that our trailer works as over half have said that it is both genders.  As a group we wanted our trailer to target mainly males but also females as they would be able to sympathise more with the male character.

I am pleased to say that all eight people in the focus group identified the trailer as a psychological thriller.  From looking at our questionnaires I can quote one person said, “The general feel of insecurity and confusion is expressed by the main character and the questions heard by the therapist”.  With quotes like this is makes it easier for us to see that the audience chose the genre successfully.  It also shows that we have successfully followed the codes and conventions of a psychological thriller and tried to add our own twist on things.

We also asked the audience what camera shots stood out for them the most whilst watching the trailer. The shot which stood out the most to the audience was the camera shots featuring the clock.  This was an important part of our film which we needed to make apparent to the audience from out results we can say we were very successful in doing so.

Another important part for us when creating out film trailer is that we wanted each character to be presented successfully.  When we asked the audience who they thought who the protagonist was five out of the eight people were correct.   We limited the amount of characters in the trailer as we wanted the main focus to be on main character, but also hinting at the character of Lisa.  I think the character of Lisa creates our code of enigma as people want to know who she is and where is she?  A person stated that the protagonist was actually “His own mind”.  From this evidence above we can say that our trailer was successful in presenting our characters.  We have create a very vulnerable character and have clearly shown the neighbour to be the antagonist in the trailer which was our aim.


 The first question I asked was about the masthead. For my masthead I had five different options on the questionnaire.  TopFilm, Spotlight and intermission only received one vote each from the ten people I asked to fill out my questionnaire.  Movie Mania was the next highest with three votes.  I thought this would have been a popular choice as it’s an easy understandable title.   The masthead with the most about of votes was Silver Screen which obtained four votes.  I think this will be the masthead I use for my magazine cover as it’s a well know cinema term so it will fit in well due to the fact that I am making a film magazine.
Choice of colours
The next question was about the different types of colours they would like to see on the magazine.  I let them chose one to three colours as that is how many colours I would be using on my magazine.  It was very clear to see from my results that there was a pattern of the same choices being circled.  The three main colours that my audiences want to see on the front over are red, white and black.  These are all very good colours to have so I was very pleased with the audience feedback with this question.
Actor or character
I then asked who they would like to see as the main image on the front of the magazine.  It was a choice between either the actor or the actually character from the film.  It was very close with the amount of votes between the two but, having the actor on the front of the magazine was chosen more times than having the character of the front.  I know normally you see the character on the front of the magazine but I want to break the stereotype and use the actor on the front and it’s clear to see that is what my audience want.
I also asked what they would like to see on the front cover.  The top three choices, starting with the lowest first was events in your region, second highest was cinema offers and the top choice was mentions about other films. I will be using all three of these choices on the cover as they were the ones most voted for by the audience so that is what I shall go for.  I will focus more on advertising other films though as that go the most votes and I want to inform my audience.
Lastly I asked my audience how much they would be willing to pay for the magazine.  I gave them a choice of three different price ranges.  Eight people said they would be willing to between £1.50 – £2 for the magazine which is a reasonable price.  Due to this being the most voted for this is the price that my magazine will be.

When looking at the feedback I received from the audience they gave me positives and negatives.  People said that my poster was “very clear with the clock face and the character stood out”.  This was pleasing to read as both the character and the clock play a major part in the film so I wanted them both to be dominating on my film poster.  Another person pointed out that my masthead standed out which was good as this will advertise the film more.  Things that the audience offered to improve my poster was to change the colour of the tag line as it blended in with my main image and you could not read it properly.  And also about making the main image more central or making it blend in with the background more.