Monday 1 October 2012

Notes on the film trailer " Hell and back Again"

  • The genre of this film is a war action film.
  • The narrative of the film is about asking the question what does it mean to come back home? Can you get used to normal civilian life?
  • The unique selling point in this film would most likely be the special effects used and also the location as that is where the war is happening in real life.
  • The target audience for this film would be generally males ranging from the ages of 25 to 50 years of age.
  • The music in the trailer starts of with the use of drums and trumpets sort of things you would see in an army parade, but when the one man gets injured it slows down and violins start to play to show sadness for the man.  Once he returns home the drums and trumpets start up again but this time louder indicating that he is back in fighting mode.
  • The camera shots are: Medium close ups, establishing shots, long shots, close ups, tracking shots.
  • The pace of the trailer is mixed first of all it starts of fast pace as any war film would and then it moves down to about medium pace when the solider goes home injured.
  • There is a good bit of dialogue in this trailer some of the key words that are used are “We are experts in the application of violence” “Your conscious should be clear and your honour should be clean” Cheering from the families when soldiers arrive home.  “ He turns into a different person” “ What keeps us together we love it each other I guess if you can get through that you can through anything even to hell and back”
  • There is a only a small bit of voiceover and it’s used to just to tell us a small part of a story about someone.
  • Special effects that are used are the guns, planes, and also the tanks.
  • The intertitles that were used in the trailer are small reviews from other companies and example is “Vivid and moving!” – The Entertainer

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