Tuesday 20 November 2012

Poster analysed

This is the poster for the film I have analysed. At the top of the poster we see a tag line saying " EXTRAORDINARY.... HARD TO SHAKE". This gives us the impression that the person reading the poster should go and see the film. Also it is in capital letters so it stands right out as one of the first things you will read on the poster. The title of the film is in the middle of the poster. This goes against stereotype as usually the name of the film is usually either at the top of the poster or at the bottom. I like the idea of the film title in the middle as again one of the things that the audience will look at. The image that they have used in the poster is very clever. The top of the image we see a woman and a man and then underneath is a picture of a solider. This is a very clever way of showing two different sides to the man. The top side of him being with his girlfriend/wife in normal life and the bottom picture of him in the army carrying a gun. It also gives us a insight into this mans life, but also leaves us with questions such as why does it look like he has been sent home from the army? The billing blocks are at the bottom of the poster this is usual for a poster. I think it is good to have them at the bottom of the poster as it doesn't take anything away from the main image and the film title. Due to the photo of the man in the army clothing we can see that it is a sort of war genre. This is called iconography.

Monday 12 November 2012

Planning for animatic

ke>Shot 4 takes place in the school. It’s a medium shot of a man sat down • Shot 5 also takes place in the school – a close up of a newspaper on the table. • Shot 7, 8 and 10 take place in the school woods. • Shot 7 is a long shot of a group of soldiers marching into the woods (taken from the side). • Shot 8 is medium shot of two soldiers taking cover • Shot 10 shows a medium shot of Dom holding Alex passionately in his arms. • Shot 13 is a close up of Dom looking very sad. • Shot 15 is an over the shoulder shot of Dom approaching Ruth. • Shot 16 is a close up of Ruth expecting something bad. • Shot 17 is a medium side shot showing uncomfortable body language. • Shot 18 is a medium shot of Ruth looking to the side of the camera. • Shot 19 is a medium shot of Dom looking speechless. • Shot 20 is a long shot of Dom opening a door and walking through it. • Shot 21 is a medium close up of the drawer, where Dom is grabbing his clothes. • Shot 22 is a medium shot of Dom standing sideways looking puzzled. • Shot 23 is a close up of a knife and rope • Shot 25 is another long shot of Dom walking through a door • Shot 26 is a medium shot of Ruth on the phone. • Shot 29 is a close up of a phone of the floor. • Shot 50 is a medium shot of Martelle tied up from behind. • Shot 52 is a long shot of Martelle stood the corner of the room. • Shot 55 is a medium two shot of Ruth and Martelle tied up. • Shot 57 is a long shot where we see Dom and Alex talking. • Shot 58 is a close up of Dom gasping • Shot 61 is a medium shot of Ruth on the phone. • Shot 62 is another medium shot of Dom on the phone looking confused. • Shot 63 is a close up of a note on the fridge • Shot 65 is a long establishing shot of the woods. • Shot 66 is a long side shot of Martelle and Ruth running through the forest • Shot 67 is a medium shot of Martelle and Ruth running • Shot 69 is a low angle shot of someone getting out the boot of a car • Shot 70 is an over the shoulder shot where we see Dom push Ruth to the floor. • Shot 71 is a side shot of Martelle grabbing Dom. • Shot 72 is a point of view shot of Martelle punching Dom • Shot 73 is a point of view shot of Martelle behind Ruth untieng her. • Shot 74 is a long shot of the back of Dom as he pushes himself up from the ground. • Shot 75 is a long shot from behind of Martelle and Ruth running into the forest • Shot 77 is a point of view shot of Dom’s hands as he holds the sink • Shot 78 is a long side shot of Dom staring into a mirror • Shot 79 is an over the shoulder close-up of Alex staring into a mirror