Thursday 20 December 2012

Question 11 and 12

11. These are the five images from our animatic that stand out from the rest of the others, as they seem to leave the most questions asked about what is happening. The first picture is of the man sat in the corner looking scared, this leaves the audience the question of why is he cowering in the corner? And what is he scared of? The second picture of the man looking in the mirror and seeing the reflection of his best friend who died was our best shot as it makes you look again to see him looking back. The picture of the man holding his friend in his arms is an effective one as it shows that he has died in his arms and would have a bigger impact on him after seeing him die right in front of him. The next picture of the man looking shocked leaves us with the question of why is he looking shocked? Has he seen something he doesn’t want to see again? The final photo of the man and women tied up would seem to leave the audience thing why are they tied up? Who has tied them up? 12. My role during this process was suggesting and finding suitable locations for us to take our photos in. I had to find locations which looked how we needed to be without having to change them much. We used locations such as outside in the woods and then moving indoors to a classroom. I also played a part in the writing of the plot, giving ideas and giving constructive criticism to the others in the group about their ideas.

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