Tuesday 23 April 2013

Evaluating my film magazine questionnaire

Evaluating my film magazine questionnaire Masthead The first question I asked was about the masthead. For my masthead I had five different options on the questionnaire. TopFilm, Spotlight and intermission only received one vote each from the ten people I asked to fill out my questionnaire. Movie Mania was the next highest with three votes. I thought this would have been a popular choice as it’s an easy understandable title. The masthead with the most about of votes was Silver Screen which obtained four votes. I think this will be the masthead I use for my magazine cover as it’s a well know cinema term so it will fit in well due to the fact that I am making a film magazine. Choice of colours The next question was about the different types of colours they would like to see on the magazine. I let them chose one to three colours as that is how many colours I would be using on my magazine. It was very clear to see from my results that there was a pattern of the same choices being circled. The three main colours that my audiences want to see on the front over are red, white and black. These are all very good colours to have so I was very pleased with the audience feedback with this question. Actor or character I then asked who they would like to see as the main image on the front of the magazine. It was a choice between either the actor or the actually character from the film. It was very close with the amount of votes between the two but, having the actor on the front of the magazine was chosen more times than having the character of the front. I know normally you see the character on the front of the magazine but I want to break the stereotype and use the actor on the front and it’s clear to see that is what my audience want. Advertisements/features I also asked what they would like to see on the front cover. The top three choices, starting with the lowest first was events in your region, second highest was cinema offers and the top choice was mentions about other films. I will be using all three of these choices on the cover as they were the ones most voted for by the audience so that is what I shall go for. I will focus more on advertising other films though as that go the most votes and I want to infom my audience. Price Lastly I asked my audience how much they would be willing to pay for the magazine. I gave them a choice of three different price ranges. Eight people said they would be willing to between £1.50 – £2 for the magazine which is a reasonable price. Due to this being the most voted for this is the price that my magazine will be.

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